
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Own TV Show Awards (I have been doing a lot of procrastinating, not getting any homework done!):

Show that should make me laugh, but does scare me:
Scariest Places on Earth on SCIFI-- do we really need the Poltergeist lady's voice

Show that made me so glad the writers stopped striking:
Law and Order SVU

Show that I would proclaim my like for even if everyone else hated it:

Movie that was on TV that I couldn't help watching:
Logan's Run (I am a scifi nerd)

Show that I wish was just a little better:

Commercials I want to watch again and again:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today I was humbled by two of my students, and it was nothing they did or said-- it was just how they were.

They are cousins that live together. I think there might be 7 people living in their side of a duplex. They are good friends.

I met their moms at conferences. One of the moms made me cry as she told me their story. I asked them if it would be OK if someday I took the kids out for ice cream. They said of course.

Today I fulfilled that promise. We went to Sonic and got root beer floats (and maybe chili cheese fries). I laughed so hard, I inhaled ice cream. I dropped them off at their house and one mom came out. She said thank you and asked me if the kids said thank you. They did. Three times each. The entire experience took 45 minutes.

Sometimes it is easy being a teacher. Sometimes it is easy to live out the idea-- do the good you know you should do.

I would not change my job for the world most days, days like today. And getting to inhale ice cream is only one of the perks.

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