
Sunday, December 09, 2007

I did not go to church this morning. It is icy outside. I think this may be an excuse for the desire to stay in my pajamas until after noon. I am not being productive, and I really like it. Well, there is laundry going. There is so much I could be doing, but it is not the time for any of it. I am watching a Harry Potter marathon. My house is clean right now, but so not organized. If you open a drawer or a closet, you could not possibly imagine what will spill out. Perhaps, Christmas break will be a time for organization. I am not reading any good books right now. I feel choppy and distracted. I can't decided between hot chocolate or peppermint tea. My bedroom needs a major overhaul. I want to buy a Christmas tree this week. I do not really want to teach this week. It would be much more fun to have a Connect Four tournament. I like the smell of cinammon, especially these cinammon pine cones I bought at Garden Ridge. What is going on with that store? They are not selling craft supplies anymore, but some strange discounted goods. It confuses me. I hate when socks get all twisted. There is a Cake song on the movie Waitress. I saw the movie August Rush with my sister the other night and LOVED it. It was a blanket that you could curl into. I love cherry cordial Hershey Kisses. I think that is all I have for today.

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