
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I am on the verge of meanness. Less daylight makes me a meaner person. I want to tell people lots of mean things. Things I feel bad about thinking, but just need to let go.

On my list today:

* You're an idiot.
* You married an idiot.
* Enough.
* Stop talking to me.
* Stop asking me questions.
* You are pretentious.
* You think you are better, but you are not.
* You made a stupid decision.
* You pretend that you care about people, but you are a liar.
* You smell bad.
* Who do you think you are?
* I think you may be crazy.

Wow, that did not make me feel even remotely better. I am not sure I can deal with the lack of daylight. Strange thought: Inside light seems so fake and too dim. I can't get it bright enough!

My favorite mean thing that I've wanted to say lately:
"I am going to drag you out into the parking lot just to be able to hear the sound of your hollow head popping as I run it over with my car"
Add to your mean things to say:

Hey, it's not Halloween yet. . .oh, wait, that's not a costume. Hee hee
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