
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sometimes I think blogs have given us insight into people's everyday thoughts and feelings that maybe we shouldn't have access to. I know that sounds horribly judgmental, but sometimes I read people's blogs, and I actually get frustated with the mindset of certain people.

I am in a cranky place. I hope this is just a layover. And I am having trouble remembering things. I know that sounds strange, but I will look at a student, and for about 30 seconds, I could not tell you his name. I am on several committees at work, and when I sit down to send an email, I can't remember why I needed to send an email in the first place. 3 days later, I realize I forgot to remind everyone about a meeting. I paid my 15th bills on the 30th. I haven't seen my closest friends for over 2 weeks. I am watching Full House. Who knows what this all adds up to!

Reedy--It's called winter. It will be over in a few months and we'll all be back to normal. I feel the same way every time the sun goes away for weeks at a time. Love you!
Poor You!!!! You're not being judgemental, I wonder the same thing sometimes. Not that what people are writing bothers me but I wonder if we should be so willing to share what we do in a forum that anyone in the entire world can read if they simply find the right link!!!

Keep your chin up, sounds like you need a Thursday night date - or perhaps just a "mail day"

Love you sweetie and we're praying for your family.
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