Thursday, January 11, 2007
It sneaks up on you. At first, it might be glance at a picture tucked away or a comment left on your myspace page from a friend. Sometimes it is self-induced-- a harmless ticket price check on Orbitz. But it grows and develops. You give it a window and it sneaks in and sets up a temporary shelter in your heart. You're vulnerable because it is winter and cold here, so you check the weather channel and type in a zip code that starts with 00, and it tell you what you already knew-- 85 degrees with a chance of an afternoon shower. Then you can't help what happens next. You look at other people's vacation pictures and sigh when you see pictures that could have been your photos. Then you post the pictures because you need other people to see, to know, to try and feel. But you know they can't understand.

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