
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring Break. You have to love when your teaching and your learning schools get together and agree on one precious week to allow their teachers and students breathing space.

I visited Katrina and her family over the weekend. She's has this three year old that I contemplated kidnapping. We visited a fabulous spa and had facials-- I highly recommend.

Today has been a most productive day. I cleaned my apartment, typed a paper, watched Veronica Mars, caught up on last night's episode of House, ran three loads of laundry, cleaned a drawer and took my parents' dogs on a walk with my sister. I even fit a nap in my busy schedule. I could get used to this not working deal.

Tomorrow, I am taking Grandma Reedy to visit her sick 92 year-old boyfriend in the hospital. My grandma's boyfriend is an adorable Polish man who is teeny-tiny and shakes. He has been a pseudo part of my family this past couple of years. He loves my grandma. My grandma loves him. He takes a taxi to her house almost daily to dance with her, eat puddings, laugh, keep and eye on who enters and exits the apartment (thanks to closed circuit television) and talk about growing old. Sometimes they take a taxi together to the casino boat. He is my grandma's companion. She called crying tonight about how sick he is. I simply asked her what time did she want me to be out there. She will hold his hand and scold him for being sick. He will smile and attempt to assure her he's fine, the doctors are just keeping him because they like him. We've done this before. I hope we will have to do it again.

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