
Monday, December 05, 2005

It is already 8:00. It should not be 8:00. It should be around 6:30. That's just what I feel.

I don't know if the Rent movie was a good idea. Not because I didn't love it, because I did. But, it is way out in the open now and people, people who have no connections or rights, are critiquing it, dismissing it, and discarding it. That makes me angry. So many things about Rent are real. I know. The fear vs. the hope. That's real. That's just what I feel.

I like my job. This career called teaching works for me. My coworker says that sometimes our relationships with kids can be compared to banking transactions. Sometimes we make deposits, withdrawals, overdrafts, and sometimes we get flashing messages, "insufficient funds." I think about that a lot. Today was a busy day at the bank. When you work at a school with a lot of tough home situations, Mondays are sometimes bad days.

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