
Monday, February 07, 2005

Tonight I am making Key Lime bars and trying to not put myself to bed before 9:00 P.M. Missouri's website said that my refund check was issued today. I am so excited because I really could use the money. I am absolutely the worst at budgeting money. I have no financial sense whatsoever. I regret that. I regret that I didn't learn how to budget money at an early age. I wish that I was a saver. I really do.

Part of me is just so glad that take out retirement money without my permission (Missouri teachers have their own retirement fund, we don't pay into SS). I am also thankful for budget billing for my electric bill, although it does scare me that I am "86.75 behind in budget billing." They are so going to ask me to pay that someday soon. Also, I am so nervous that my car insurance is due in March again.

And all I can plan for? July's trip to PR, which was quoted in Glamour this month as the most blissful place on earth. When I in my excitement, mentioned this to my co-worker, she said, "Huh. That really surprises me." She just tried to irritate me. She makes these snide comments to everyone and then acts surprised if anyone's feelings are hurt.

Today, one of my students' vocabulary words was disciple, which was defined as "a follower of a teacher." A student mentioned that Jesus had 10 disciples. I corrected him that it was 12. He looked at me, and let me know that I was wrong because he knew that Jesus had 10 disciples. At this point, several students came to HIS rescue agreeing with him that they were all sure that Jesus had 10 disciples. One kid even said, "Ms. Reedy, my granny's got one of those pictures where all those disciple guys are sitting around Jesus where his head is all lit up, and I know there's 10 guys because she's had it forever, and I am always looking at it."

I sat down and proceeded to tell them that they were about to learn something new about Ms. Reedy. I told them I also had a degree in the Bible, and that I was absolutely, completely sure that Jesus had 12 disciples. My students looked puzzled at me, but accepted that Jesus must have 12 disciples (see that Lincoln degree was worth something). At this point another student looked at me and asked me, "Did you have to go to church a lot?" We all laughed and our discussion progressed to detest and despise and whether cauliflower was grosser than broccoli, which it is. It is a good thing that my attention span matches my students.

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