
Saturday, May 15, 2004

Last night I had an encounter with a community.

They met inside a building, but it was obviously just a place to gather together. I think they would have been satisfied with a tent if they needed to be. They mingled effortlessly without paying attention to the often dividing lines of color, weight, gender, or age. What amazed me was the level of acceptance. A man came in a wheelchair, but had no shortage of dance partners. I was surprised to see a group of people signing, and I was told that only a couple were actually deaf, the others learned so that they could communicate. A man that was probably rejected from other communities with his short stature, Buddha belly, and thinning ponytail was the star of the show. They meet every week, usually more than once. It is a real community, one built on common goals, acceptance, and unity. There was no condemnation or ulterior motives.

I think we could learn a lot about real community from gay clubs. People are desperate for communities of love and acceptance. I just kept thinking, "When are we going to learn?"

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