
Thursday, April 22, 2004

Letters I could have written today:

Dear Mr. Toll Booth Change Taker,
Thank you for saying, "Buenos Dias," this morning. You being pleasant made me want to be pleasant too.

Dear Green SUV Driver,
Just because you are bigger, doesn't mean you can push me around. You are a bully, and I don't like you.

Dear Ritenour,
You are making me very nervous, and I don't like it. You don't write. You don't call. I may have to break up with you.

Dear Banco Popular,
Would it be so hard for you to credit that $10 check to my account today? You obviously have enough money.

Dear Grandma,
You can stop buying me stuff for my apartment. I want to pick out what I want, not things I will be obligated to use. And please stop making my sister feel bad.

Dear Class,
Please stop being mean to Jorge. Why can't you see he just wants you to like him? I wish you realized that you are the ones that don't deserve his friendship.

With My Deepest Sincerity,

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