
Monday, April 19, 2004

For about two hours this morning I was caught in a dream/ wake world where all the weirdest dreams happen. You're asleep enough to dream, and awake enough to realize you're dreaming.

This morning's dreams:

1. SoeYun came to visit me as I was in a top floor of a warehouse of some sorts. She came on a fold-out couch which soon broke on her arrival. I remember hugging and then telling her, "This is too weird, we'll talk later."

2. My parents, grandma, and sisters were all visiting me, but we were in a different hotel (than the one my parents just stayed at) that had lots of leaves floating in the pool. There was a truck crashed in the middle of the ocean on some rocks, which I saw through a tiny window in my grandma's room after I ripped out the screen. I remember being worried that I would get her bed wet from my swimsuit. They were leaving earlier than expected because they had a long drive. Theresa was eating toast. And I looked at the toaster, and knew I wanted a shiny silver toaster. I remember hoping that no one would buy me a toaster, so I could get a shiny silver toaster. I woke up wanting toast (which is sad because we have no bread or a toaster).

The last dream, I actually mistook for being real. Joe woke up and turned on cartoons really loud. I was so annoyed, couldn't he see that I was asleep? I woke up and looked for the remote to turn off the already off television.

Weirdness. Here's my analytical response to said dreams.

1. I saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Joe. After the movie, I asked him what he thought and his response was, "It was fine. There's not much to talk about." My heart ached for SoeYun. Jim Carrey slept on a fold-out sofa which I thought was odd during the movie. Therefore, SoeYun came to visit on a fold-out sofa. It probably broke because people were jumping on it high in their panties . . .

2. I miss my family. I miss fall with the leaves turning colors and tumbling from trees. My heart is crashing against my mind at the thought of leaving the ocean. I know I need to leave soon. My swimsuit is still wet crumpled in a ball, and I know I need to hang it up to dry. I am annoyed that my grandma (not the one from the dream though) keeps buying me stuff or my apartment, and I know it is all wrong (as in the toaster). My subconscious is begging for toast.

3. I am just looking for reasons to be annoyed with Joe.

Before I fell asleep last night, I asked God to work out the issues in my life and for some perspective and guidance as I follow His lead. Remind me when I am back in St. Louis that my first purchase should be a toaster.

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