
Monday, March 15, 2004

You wouldn't believe the audacity of this "gravitygal" I just played against in Scrabble. First of all, I had a BINGO with harness that also fell on a triple square. Second of all, I played great words such as lava, bowels, and seafood. Now, I may have lost by almost 100 points, but it was a good game. She just played a word over the triple square -quizzes (using a blank for the second -z) and a couple of lucky words (what does -oe mean??). Anyway, it was a fine game and I was just fine with losing, really! Then at the end of the game she said -- "gg, thnx." No problem, nice ending. THEN, (hold on here it comes) she said, "Maybe you should play someone with less experience." CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? The audacity! I just clicked off the game, which means it doesn't officially count and she doesn't get all her points! Ha! Take that gravitygal!

Sidenote, it is day 3 of Joe and I not talking. Why does silence just get easier? Every hour makes it harder to just make-up. Grrr . . . I hate being angry, I hate fights, and I hate awkward silence!

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