
Monday, March 08, 2004

There are some friends in my life that no matter what they did, said, or how they acted, I would still count it a privilege to be their friend without apologies or excuses.

There are some things I believe that I will believe no matter who disagrees or argues-- without apologies or excuses.

I believe that life is based on choice. No one should ever be forced to do anything or believe anything they don't believe in. People should be allowed to make choices, stand behind their choices, defend their choices, and accept any consequences for their choices. I am pro-choice. Instead of forcing someone to make "our" choices, we should figure out the "whys" of their choices. We are so quick to force, intimidate, pressure, and connive that I wonder do we even care? We say we want to be more like Jesus, but tell me-- when did he ever force or pressure anyone?

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