
Sunday, March 28, 2004

I just got back from a Young Adults' Retreat. It was a really great weekend. The guest speaker was so down to earth and humble that it made any skepticism about the weekend disappear. He spoke about the commands of Jesus throughout the New Testament, forgiveness, anger, and the "one another" verses in the NT-- serve one another, love one another, forgive one another, etc. It served as a breath of fresh air.

We hiked a mountain on Saturday. I am not one for hiking anywhere at anytime. I really didn't think I was going to make it; I mean it was straight up in the rainforest. Through encouragement and some deep inner strength, I made it to the top. The view was spectacular. We could see the ocean on two sides of the island, and the clouds were just whisping past us. It was truly beautiful.

Now, I am contemplating how much I have to do before Wednesday. I have so and so much to get done. My apartment is not packed at all, and I am moving down with Joe for the month of April and May to save money to move back. I hate moving.

I am watching Dirty Dancing right now, and I just figured out the dad is the same guy I love from Law and Order. I know you all probably knew that already!

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