
Saturday, March 06, 2004

Do you remember the part in Stand By Me where he sees a deer, but he doesn't tell anyone else, and he says that he kept that just for himself? I love that part. Sometimes, when I see or feel something amazing or new, I want to run and tell everyone, but sometimes I just want to keep it all for me.

I had a wonderful me day. I planned to have this day all week. I woke up early, had coffee at Starbucks, and took pictures all day. I took a walk around the fort, had lunch at a cafe, and just took my time all day. I squeezed in a quick glance at Marshall's, a waxing of my eyebrows, and a new book check at Borders too. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I packed my first box today. That's right, box #1 is packed.

I played a game with myself to pack the box. I pretended this was the only box I could take back and whatever I could pack into it would be the only items coming home with me. Let me tell you . . . I took pictures out of old frames just to make everything fit. I use the term "everything" loosely. The box was the size of a copier paper box. Here's what went inside (in order as it got packed):
* My kaleidoscopes
* My journals
* My dad's Matisse drawing book
* Picture frames wrapped in my purple placemats that were my window
treatments (thanks Trading Spaces!)
* My box of "Send Jenn Mail" letters and notes from Lyndsay during college
* 3 Photo Albums: Childhood, High School, College
* A small stained glass art from here
* The candle holder Katrina made me
* The olive wood sheep Alberto gave me from Israel
* Various loose photos stuck inside the albums

Didn't I do so good for Box #1?? I deserve ice cream maybe even with Bailey's.

I think 10 more boxes should fit everything I need to take back with me!

I dedicate Box #1 to Peggy Allen (who doesn't even read this!) for mailing me $30 to help me move back. I love her. She was my motivation for box #1.

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