
Friday, January 30, 2004

Today has been an awful day. I just need to vent a minute:
1) 2 of my boys in my room got in a knock-out fight
2) One of my students poked his eye on the window
3) Our lovely (SARCASM) administrator is giving us grief about the Evangels (the group that comes down from LCC) and causing problems-- even going to the school board, instead of talking to us about it
4) Every car rental place I called does not have a 15 passenger van available when the Evangels come
5) My insurance is (still) refusing to pay a claim and the collection department for the Hospital is suing me
6) My MO teaching certification states that more information is needed to process (that is after paying 50 additional dollars)
7) My car's horn stopped working and the "brake" light is on
8) Everything is a mess-- my car, my apartment, my classroom
9) I have a horrible attitude toward everyone
10) I am getting a cold

Yuk. I really hated writing that down. I seem so "complainey." Maybe tomorrow will feel brighter. One can hope.

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