
Tuesday, December 16, 2003

First of all, I am so mad. I was just spell checking my entry and my computer froze, so now I have to start over. Grrr. . .

Memoirs of a child . . .

Anyway, only four more days until I go home! I am so ready. The first thing I want to do is sleep. I sleep the best in my parents' house. There is unmatched safety and security there.

Today held one of those moments where you pause, look around, take it all in, and save it for a rainy day. The sky was a beautiful robin's egg blue, the temperature was warm in the sun and cool in the shade, and there was a breeze moving through. I was trying to focus on teaching just as hard as my students were trying to focus on learning. We all kept looking outside with an inexpressible longing.

Then, an act of God happened. The electricity went out. We had no lights, no a/c, not even a fan. Slowly, but surely, all the classes started coming outside. Soon enough, we were all outside playing. I read to some students in the shade. One teacher jumped rope with some students, and other teachers were just around enjoying the moment. It was refreshing.

Even when the electricity came back on, we hesitated and reluctantly went inside. The patio area was silent again and the moment was gone, but it hung in the air. It reminded me of why I love children, they give us excuses to play in the sunshine.

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